How to Grow an Extra Hand

Part 3: Hack for Billing & Creating Automatic Reports

Are you keeping track of invoices with spreadsheets?

Say bye-bye to doing the math by hand and hello to accurate data and reports!

Human errors are prone to happen when you’re using the wrong tools. Old-fashioned bookkeeping can lead to major headaches and it’s time-consuming. Put the pencil down and learn how to create over 40 reports by using automated subscription billing, and how to organize products, invoices, customers, and more all in one place. In this webinar, learn about ways to tidy up your messy invoice tracking systems. Then, discover all of the types of reports you could make with just a few clicks! You will be able to use these reports to make data-driven decisions to forecast future business growth.

Join Customer Success Director, Chris Dub as he untangles even the most disorganized billing workflows.

Learn about:

  • The many business owners, admins, and accountants who struggle with maintaining spreadsheets manually—and how automation saved them time and decreased human errors.
  • The types of reports you will be able to create.
  • The number of hours you can save yourself in manual labor.
  • The ways you can use forecasting in your business planning to save money and grow your business.
  • Consolidating all of the history and information of your subscriptions, products, and customers into one platform.
  • The way automation improves your branding, consistency in communications, and recovery of payments.
Need a consult on how automation can improve your recurring billing?
Request a 20-min demo and get a free consultation.